Sweat and Wellbeing

Sweating is the body's way of regulating temperature. If you are in a warm place, physically exert yourself, eat spicy food or get nervous or stressed, then the body's internal thermostat takes action to ensure that the body is cooled to an appropriate level. Sweating is thus a natural process and necessary to make sure that we do not become overheated. But sometimes the body produces more sweat than is necessary to cool down - or produces it at the wrong times - which can cause problems for those affected.
Sweating too much
Constant, profuse sweating in the armpits, palms, groin, soles of the feet, face, scalp or neck can be a sign of hyperhidrosis. The primary form of hyperhidrosis, where sweating is equally profuse on both sides of the body, is hereditary and equally common among men and women. This state has neurological origins, but otherwise has no known cause and the onset is usually quite early. Sweating hands and feet normally occur during infancy, while underarm sweat can appear during puberty or in late teens. (Excessive sweating can also occur as a symptom of other diseases, although this is often unevenly distributed throughout the body. On suspicion of so-called secondary hyperhidrosis, you should always inform your doctor.)
Treatment for sweating
To counteract moderate sweating, it is usually sufficient to apply an antiperspirant containing an aluminium salt such as aluminium chloride. When aluminium chloride comes into contact with the proteins in the skin, it undergoes a chemical reaction that results in the formation of a barrier over the entrance to the sweat glands. This prevents sweat from being released onto the surface of the skin. An antiperspirant with a higher content of aluminium chloride, such as DRYDRY original, provides a more prolonged effect. DRYDRY Original can prevent virtually all types of sweating and is effective for up to seven days. Some cases may require a more powerful treatment. In these cases, injections of botulinum toxin (eg, Botox) a proven alternative that can keep sweating away in 3-12 months are recommended. Operational measures are usually not usually considered until other therapies have been excluded.